Monday, June 4, 2012

" The Right to Know" Labeling GMOs in California

     Most people are unaware that genetically engineered foods or GMOs are present in many of the foods we buy and consume. According to the Center for Food Safety, 70 % of the foods sold in grocery stores are genetically engineered. GMOs are plant or meat products who’s DNA has been artificially altered by genes from either bacteria or viruses. The goal of genetic modification is the creation of new species of plants and animals that are larger, draught and pest resistant or produce greater yield. Opponents of GM foods and agricultural products worry that GMOs may cause irreparable environmental damage and pose long-term health risks. According to The Center for Food Safety, the FDA has not seriously investigated the health risks associated with genetically modified foods. There have never been any long-term studies on the environmental or health risks associated with GMOs, which increases the risk to American consumers.
     Genetically modified foods are more prevalent in the United States then we realize, because state laws do not require companies to include GMO foods on product labels. As a consumer, you have the right to complete and accurate product labeling. Currently, fifty countries in the world label genetically modified foods including Europe. The United States is one of the few western nations which does not require manufacturers to list GMOs as an ingredient in produce, meats and processed foods. In California, “The Right to Know” GMO labeling initiative will appear on election ballots in November. The GMO labeling initiative would require food manufacturers to list GMOs on product labels. According to the Center for Food Safety, the GMO labeling initiative will not increase food or manufacturing costs and will help Californians make informed decisions when grocery shopping. The ability to choose healthy foods should be  every American's right. Therefore, it is essential that food is accurately labeled. On November 6, vote in support the GMO food-labeling proposal in California to stop the hidden sale of GMO products in state stores.

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